Ice Age 4

Having not been to the cinema with minime for quite some time when I noticed the latest Ice Age film was out I thought it would be good fun and a nice treat for the weekend.


As you might expect from the latest in a now long line of animated films about a prehistoric group of animals the storyline is quite simple. There are all the familiar faces from the previous 3 films and a few new ones thrown in to make the plot work, after all Manny floating on an iceberg really would only get them so far … There are some funny moments, as you would expect, but not quite so many of those chuckles for adults and it really isn’t all that taxing.


Captain Gutt,voiced by Peter Dinklage (can this guy do everything?!) is my personal favourite in this film, though that said it is only because Scratch doesn’t speak …

Visuals & Effects

Deliberately produced in a cartoon style rather than the more realistic 3D which they can do now this film is precisely the same as its predecessors in terms of on screen production. Clean, well rendered and smoothly transitioning scenes produced to a high standard


As with pretty much any animated film the sound quality is crisp and clear, though the music is fairly lacking there is a nice little musical section which is cheery.


It is exactly what you think it is, the fourth film in a franchise aimed squarely at the younger kids with just enough laughs to keep the parents entertained. Suitable for anyone but nothing more than a comedy with little elements of action to keep it trundling along.